Performance Coach: A Community of Support Toward “Self-Actualization”

It was American psychologist Abraham Maslow who coined, “self-actualization.” He called exceptional people he studied “self-actualized people.” Many others, including Carl Rogers, also a psychologist, wrote in depth regarding the notion of actualization.

To actualize is to become who you truly are. To become a more fully whole and complete human being.

What is seen in “actualized people?”

Probably the most universal and common aspect of these superior people is their ability to see life clearly — to see it as it is rather than as they wish it to be. They are far above average in their ability to judge people correctly and to see through the phony, the fake, the manipulators.

Actualized people penetrate and see concealed and complex realities more swiftly and accurately than others. They have a certain kind of humility, the ability to listen carefully to others, to admit when they don’t know everything, and that others can always teach them something. This better understanding comes from an increased understanding of themselves. Actualized people have the uncanny ability to “simplify things.”

Maslow developed a “new psychology” based on studying the best, the most accomplished, the healthiest human beings he could find. Without exception, he found “self-actualized” people to be dedicated to some work, task, duty, or vocation which they considered important. Because they were interested in their work, they worked hard, became more focused and intentional, and developed an inner energy that is often missing in average folks.

For them, work was exciting, energizing, and pleasurable. Commitment to something beyond self, a major purpose in life is a major requirement for growth, self-actualization, and happiness.

The more actualized a person becomes, the greater zest for life they exude.

An actualized person identifies themselves by their positive, life-affirming energy and behavior. Actualized people are more engaged with living, with life.

Performance Coach is designed as a community to support each other toward self-actualization, with retreats focused on aspects pertinent to all members to continually give them the potential to reach higher levels of being.

Performance Coach is a one-of-a-kind program in dentistry. To be a part of Performance Coach you must be a graduate of the Schuster Center Management Program.  

What's Next?

Open PC Conference 2023

Through The Red Sea Workshop

New Patient Experience II

The Seven Key Areas of Dental Management

Money– how it flows in and out of the practice; how to make it, keep it and save it.

Time – the most important resource we have; how you handle your time determines the quality of your life.

Organization – the structure of your practice, the systems, the purpose of those systems, the accountability to create and use them to drive your practice each day.

Sales – the process with patients to help them make decisions that are in their own best interest; how to engage, connect and communicate the value of dentistry beyond what any plan covers.

Marketing – determining your offering and bringing it to your community in such a way that patients want what you have to offer.

People – the skills, attitude, beliefs and motivation of the people who you bring on board to help you in this endeavor.

Purpose – why your practice exists as determined by your values, skills, training and the reason you chose dentistry as your profession.

Refresh — Reinvigorate — Revive — Renovate — Replenish

The Schuster Center has been offering Refresher Courses to our alumni clients for many years and I have had the privilege of facilitating them.

“Refresh" implies the supplying of something necessary to restore lost strength or power. Refreshing yourself is how you continue living the life you want to live. It’s about being intentional and passionate with your time and how you choose to spend it. 

The same is true for your practice. A practice refresh is designed to give new strength or energy — to provide relief from a sense of fatigue or stagnation. 

I have witnessed some amazing breakthroughs during and following a Refresher Course. Many alumni have found themselves on a plateau that can be particularly dangerous if allowed to continue there for too long. Most alumni have staff members who didn’t have the opportunity to experience the management program originally. Unfortunately, too many things are lost in translation or with no training at all. Systems can get pushed aside in the interest of “simplifying” operations and in the process the organizational structure crumbles.

The Refresher Course is a two-day event offered either in person or via Zoom. After a conversation with the doctor, I customize the curriculum to meet the needs of the doctor and his or her team. I provide up to three months of coaching afterward to ensure implementation of the action plan created during the Refresher. After that initial three-month coaching term, Continuing Care is always an option for ongoing support and coaching.

If you are curious if a Refresher Course is right for you, or you sense the need to Reinvigorate, Revive, Renovate or Replenish your practice energy, or for more information, please call Chris at 480-941-9393 or email her at She will refer interested alumni to me to schedule a call so we can discuss a customized curriculum.

Chris and I look forward to hearing from you!

Brenda Penwell, Business Development Coach


Examining Reactive and Creative Minds


“The 0-100 Principle”